Nosferatu's Finest is a Gruenberg Film GmbH-label designated to our mystery, fantasy and horror projects. For these genres we have joined and will join forces with various national and international partners. The first genre project we did co-produce in 2008/09, BEYOND REMEDY (aka "Fear" aka "Beyond Treatment"), is out on the markets and doing well. It was already released in the US, UK and Germany and many more territories. Another film we are involved with as Associate Producers was released in 2014 and sold into most key territories: The Event Film-production IN THE NAME OF THE KING 3
We are always open to look at pitches for mystery/horror scripts, character driven, contemporary stories with a small cast and set in a few locations, stories that can be located in Germany and are rooted in German/European history/myths. Please send loglines and synposes for starters, if we are interested we will request the script. info@nosferatus-finest.de
This website is dedicated to our genre films. Through our network of associates and production partners we are also in the position to provide very cost effective additional (post-) production services - like CGI and VFX.
Below you can see an exampole for our possibilities:
We are developing genre films.
We are (co-) producing genre films.
We are also open for co-productions/co-financing.
Some examples for our work:
Together with Trajan Film GmbH we co-produced BEYOND REMEDY (aka „FEAR“, 2009) as one of our genre projects, starring RICK YUNE („James Bond 007 – Die On Another Day“, „Olympus Has Fallen“, „Marco Polo“, „Prison Break“), David Gant „Braveheart“) and Marie Zielcke („Lammbock“).
The feature film "In the Name of the King 3", 2014. We were involved as Associate Producers.
Logline: In Thailand, serial killer and bank robber "RABID" MIKE DARCY is released from prison. For seven years he has been planning his revenge on the two special agents who left him to die.
We are always open to look at pitches for mystery/horror scripts, character driven, contemporary stories with a small cast and set in a few locations, stories that can be located in Germany and are rooted in German/European history/myths. Please send loglines and synposes for starters, if we are interested we will request the script.
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